Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Choosing Powerful Conversion Optimization Strategies - 3 That You Need To Use

By Whitney Demaio

If you are a webmaster, the following three conversion optimization steps will help you improve your conversions manyfold. Optimizing your site for usability, you can use these strategies, plus any others that you happen to find. If you've done nothing for optimizing your site, then this should be terrific news. Your site performance, when you are done, will be improved in a variety of ways. You'll see a definite improvement in your optins and conversions once these strategies have been utilized.

It is imperative that you use a tracking program, such as analytics, to see how you are doing. If you don't, then this is a good place to start even though you can gather good information from your web logs. If you know experienced marketers, don't mention that you are using raw server logs. This is so pass?. You should find a great analytics program that you are happy with using. If you have the cash, use something other than Google Analytics to do your tracking. Don't use it because of the name. There are many other programs other than Google Analytics out there. Information on server logs is still very useful so don't overlook this information. Maybe you have heard of A/B split testing but have never gotten around to using it. When that is the truth, you aren't living up to your potential and your conversion rates are definitely going to suffer. This is a kind of test that is easy to do on any kind of web page. Sure there are other tests that hold more power but the results it yields can be quite impressive themselves. Your valuable data will flow in a lot faster when you have a larger amount of traffic flowing in to you on a daily basis. In terms of what you ought to be testing, you can test whatever you like, but you generally need to follow a few guidelines. This method works best when your budget is limited but even on a small budget, make sure you've got respectable levels of traffic so that you don't have to wait forever to get the results you want.

Testing like this is less objective than using tracking programs online. When you do usability testing, you will be a company to help you implement this and use people to get your data. What you'll get are the reasons people do things on your site. This information will explain why people leave quickly, or why they went to a certain page. Essentially, if you get more people to do the test, you will have better data once it's over. This is still valuable information, regardless of sample size.

When you do optimization testing, if you have no experience in doing it, you might not know where to begin. Usually, the best place to start is with general guidelines that have been tested over the years. Some experts advocate testing on a large scale or in a bold way. Well, with A/B split testing you can only test one thing at a time. So, since the headline is pretty important, you can start with that. You should not jump on smaller details for initial testing. Most people will tell you this. You need to avoid obscure results like this. You won't have much impact on your conversion rates if you do this. Using a new header with different color schemes can actually be a great way to test.

A lot of discussions about conversions and optimization are about the mechanics of making it happen. That's fine and makes perfect sense because it is a process that can be complex. There are also psychological issues that you will have to face. Many businesses are afraid of tinkering with their pages and existing traffic and conversions. The important point about this is that you may experience a decrease in current conversion rates, or not. Until you actually do something, though, you have no way of knowing what will happen. But it takes some courage and vision to realize that you can boost your conversions using proven methods. You may take a hit here and there, but in the end you'll see higher profits. When it comes to conversions and usability, both of these at different topics, each with their own specific definitions. When you see a bounce rate, it represents how long people stay on your site once they arrive. Those two critical metrics fall in the domain of usability. If you have a high bounce rate, then your ability to optimize will be diminished greatly. If you can fix your bounce rate, and get people to stay longer on your site, you are making significant improvements.

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