Phase 1:
(You)-1x4 ======= 4 --- $10x4 = $40
4x4 =======16 --- $10x16 = $160
16x4 ======64 --- $20x64 = $1,280
64x4 ===== 256 --- $40x256 = $10,240
Total = $11,720 plus any matching bonuses
You could earn up to $11,720 on Phase 1. You could earn more from spillover commissions if you buy the full $150 from the start but not necessary. If you only buy $10, some of your commission from referrals will buy you your next level upgrade memberships until you are fully paid ('til level 4) First level cost $10, 2nd Level cost $20, 3rd Level is $40 and 4th Level cost $80 and all the upgrades will be automatically be paid with some of your commissions. So it is important to keep the matrix going so you can complete the matrix.
For more information on how the matrix works Click Here
There are 2 phases - Phase 1 and Phase 2. But there is also the Freedom Phase which is a ten level deep unilevel that allows you to earn another $1 per person per month on all upgraded member. Plus on the first 4 levels of your 10 unilevels you earn 20% matching bonus. Phase 2 on the other hand will earn you up to $187,520 after complete Phase 2 full matrix.
Here is why:
Phase 2:
(You) -- row 1 -- 1x4 ===== 4 ---- $160x4 = $640
row 2 -- 4x4 =====16 -----$160x16 = $2,560
row 3 -- 16x4 ====64 -----$320x64 = $20,480
row 4 -- 64x4 ====256 ----$640x256 = $163,840
Total == $187,520 plus matching bonuses
As you noticed the money in Phase 2 is higher now, instead of $10 it started at $160. After you completed Phase 1 your group will now proceed to Phase 2 at the same time you can now start your new Phase1 group.
To Watch the Matrix Video Click Here
Take note that in AutoXTen you only have to start with $10 and 4 referrals to get your business moving. But you can find as many referrals as you want. Each Level in Phase 1 you will get diferrent product as you upgrade which is paid by some of your commission along the way. These are digital information products that you can use or apply on any Internet marketing business. Some of your commissions along the way will pay for your upgrades such as Phase 1 Level 2, Phase 1 Level 3 and Level 4. Some of the commissions will also enroll you to the Freedom Phase which gives more opportunity to earn big money. Don't forget to check the Video and Website here.